VFW, American Legion, POGO, GAP, CommonCause.org, Plaintiffs vs. USCP, TSA, ACA, Defendants: the case of Inspect.gov/access/citizens/certification

#LetItStartWithU Act response to #HireMOreHeroes Act tweet Screen Shot 2015-01-07 at 10.17.32

@RepTomPrice #LetItStartWithU Act: http://Inspect.gov/access/citizens/certification … = http://dmv.state.gov/IC  > human capital equity, > Veterans, < prohibitions, < ACA

Tom Price @RepTomPrice  ·  4h 4 hours ago
#HireMoreHeroes Act lifts burdensome #Obamacare regulations standing btwn veterans and jobs & is important step toward #Obamacare repeal


Exercise machine and prayer room; xref- LofC Wellness rooms; xref- healthy alternatives Screen Shot 2015-01-07 at 10.17.55

Exercise machine and prayer room; xref- LofC Wellness rooms; xref- healthy alternatives Screen Shot 2015-01-07 at 10.17.55


When hospital funding gets cut Screen Shot 2015-01-07 at 10.17.55 (2)

When hospital funding gets cut Screen Shot 2015-01-07 at 10.17.55 (2)



#LetItStartWithU Act response to #HireMoreHeroes Act tweet Screen Shot 2015-01-07 at 10.17.32

William Mohammed @PentUpent  ·  16m 16 minutes ago


“Chief Justice Roberts has never lifted anything heavier than a book,”

Capitalists are impressed by whom can lift tons of food, or steel, or payloads to what heights, however, as the 1955 +/- “Mad Magazine” parody pointed out, “I’m a cat, cat, catalyst, a name that might sound strange, but a catalytic agent [Whun] can cause a chemical change, so watch my dance you know it’s true (xref: body language, salat, control and variables, minimalism, and what else?), Light my bunsen burner boys, and let it shine on you,” So who commented “Chief Justice Roberts has never lifted anything heavier than a book,” would need to say, “…never lifted anything heavier than a book, nor catalyzed anything greater than the exhaust of his limo,”


US SC CHANGE WOULD COME Screen Shot 2015-01-07 at 11.31.30

#416 of 416: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 07 Jan 2015 (11:24 AM)

U.S. Supreme Court – The New York Times


The New York Times

Supreme Court issues allows ruling requiring Arizona to issue driver’s … Supreme Court rules in 8-1 decision that police officer can stop a car based on a ….. have left it to the courts to sort out whether a whistle-blower is protected from retaliation. …

Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. Said the changes would come “as soon as …


xref: “The change [thn\] has come, whose under whose thumg” (Jagger / Richards “The Rolling Stones”) xref: ename@dmv.state.gove NON-photo legal ID with thumb print & voice proing [thnk\] – issued concurrently with present, photo ID’s.

That would be catalytic for privacy, perfect example, Internet search results.

Search results with, or without social media



VFW, POGO, GAP, CommonCause.org, Plaintiffs vs. USCP, TSA, ACA

VFW, American Legion, POGO, GAP, CommonCause.org, Plaintiffs vs. USCP, TSA, ACA, Defendants: the case of Inspect.gov/access/citizens/certification


My name is William Hale, aka, haji Mohammed A. Omar, currently posting here under the name, "Petawatt Wall"

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2 comments on “VFW, American Legion, POGO, GAP, CommonCause.org, Plaintiffs vs. USCP, TSA, ACA, Defendants: the case of Inspect.gov/access/citizens/certification
  1. energytowers says:

    Elizabeth Warren @SenWarren · 14h 14 hours ago

    Watch my @AFLCIO #RaisingWages speech about how we build an economy not just for some, but for all Americans. http://youtu.be/kjbiEo_sblU

    ==========NULL HYPOTHESIS:
    ?>*:\ …//2015 01 09 285*?! 12 52 FRIDAY. JUMA.

    Elizabeth Warren @SenWarren · 14h 14 hours ago

    Watch my @AFLCIO #RaisingWages speech
    XREF: “Watch my bunsen burner, boys,” above re: catalyze vs. lift
    Also XREF: ‘Raising’ re: ‘lift’
    Was your post prior or subsequent to the one above, EW?
    Posted on January 7, 2015 {Add time to date format in settings}

    See why whose invention of a Universal Zenith date:time filing system is needed?

    14 hours ago is 14 hrs X 015* / hour = 210* ago =
    ?>*:\ …//2015 01 09, no 08, [[thnk\]] 075* 12 52.

    The above post was on ?>*:\ …//2015 01 07 __ __ (in what time zone?)

    No wonder we can’t teach math, we can’t keep time accurately without knowing where who was when who recorded ‘the’ time.

    “The local time” we call it.

    What about “The global time”?

    Or the Red Nova Solution Countdown Time: one long new year’s drama to liftoff of your posterity, in sha lah, God willing, who hopes.

    So post time zone of this clock, and update date to show minutes.

    Ironically the tweet response to you, EW is about a more perfect “Sea to Shining Sea” Union vs. time zone oligarchies.
    ========Null Hypothesis//

    about how we build an economy not just for some, but for all Americans. http://youtu.be/kjbiEo_sblU

    ==========Null Hypothesis:
    xref: “Economics is the study of how who decides to…” So to build an economy “Not just for some, but for everyone. What the world, needs now. Is love, sweet love, it’s the only thing [paw scratch in sleep… Exhale]

    So crowd source inspections of assets receiving government funds and the cash flows deriving therefrom is one way to get everyone in on deciding “how scarce productive resources are utilized…” xref: extrapolating jury duty to include school inspection duty, prison inspection duty, police station inspection duty…

    Also converting the IRS and private tax industry into audit arms of the CBO and OMB as part of the migration from taxes, to a constitutionally capped, minted allowance which automatically harvests revenue from every dollar denominated asset in the world, including under the table money, via wages leading prices in controlled double helix spiral inflations where a COLA market basket of goods and services never takes more time to earn excpet for normal market forces, and the currency is ‘compacted’ each decade to keep prices in familiar denominations The change in the color of the money every ten years ferrets out illegal cash flows…


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